Xicaru Pechuga Mole Mezcal
XICARU MEZCAL. RESPECT FOR TRADITION Xicaru, (pronounced Zee-kah-roo and is the Zapotec word for beautiful), reflects Fernando Santibañez’s desire to share a traditionally produced mezcal that is approachable and distinct. Using his grandmother’s recipe, we make small batches of Xicaru Mezcal with time-honored methods at a palenque in Matatlán, Oaxaca. Xicaru is made from 100% Maguey espadin, harvested at approximately eight years maturity. Its natural smoky flavor is derived from cooking the maguey in an underground conical stone oven on mesquite and ocote, woods native to Oaxaca. The cooked maguey is mashed by horse-drawn tahona, fermented naturally in open-air pine vats and double-distilled in small copper alembics. In ancient Zapotec culture, the jaguar symbolized great strength and agility. Each type of Xicaru Mezcal is emblazoned with a unique jaguar that reflects its special characteristics and the tradition and heritage used to craft Xicaru Mezcal.