Tullamore Dew Irish Whiskey 1L
Tullamore D.E.W. is the original triple blended Irish whiskey. It is a blend of all three styles of Irish whiskey, giving it a balance of flavor like no other in the category. Grain whiskey gives a sweetness, malt brings the fruitiness and pot-still gives the blend that iconic Irish whiskey spice. Tully is triple distilled making it exceptionally smooth and triple cask matured, giving it a great depth of flavor. Best enjoyed on the rocks, in a cocktail, or however you please! Tullamore DEW The Legendary triple distilled Irish whiskey is crafted in our state-of-the-art Tullamore Distillery which brought whiskey production back to the village of Tullamore, Ireland, where it was originally made in 1829. D. E. W. are the initials of Daniel Edmund Williams who was our General Manager and one of the greatest distillers Ireland has ever had, whom we honor on every bottle. Glasses up to responsible drinking!