Tequila Gran Diamante Repo
Royal Ventures Group, Inc. d/b/a Tequila Gran Diamante (also referred to as “the Company”) is an emerging ultra-premium luxury tequila brand. Presently serving California, the Company offers a collection of exquisite, hand-crafted beverages that has changed the tequila game from the onset: a blend smoother than silk, a unique bottle look that compliments any high-class occasion, and a trio of award-winning flavors to match. These factors set the Company apart from its counterparts, effectively positioning itself as the leading ultra-premium tequila brand in California and beyond. Creating an ultra-premium tequila requires knowledge, tradition, and a location suited with optimum growing conditions for blue agave. Tequila Gran Diamante is produced in an award-winning distillery set in Los Altos de Jalisco, Mexico, the prime area for producing tequila. It is steeped with tradition and a deep passion for making tequila. Each batch is sourced from the highest quality, hand-selected 8-year-old blue weber agave, and ensured to have the perfect aroma, unique taste profile, viscosity, and exquisite bottle design. Additionally, Tequila Gran Diamante places heavy emphasis on maintaining its own delicate spice and silky texture, flavor profile, authenticity, quality, and consistency across all product lines. Tequila Gran Diamante’s vision of the future is to see the expression on people’s faces when they take in that first sip, and realize they have found something different. Like fine wine, Tequila Gran Diamante allows the expression “fine tequila” to now be circulated in the same fashion. And like a fine diamond, which undergoes many obstacles but comes out at the end delivering its glorious shine, it is the Company’s confidence that the purity and excellence of Tequila Gran Diamante will be recognized and appreciated as an example of endurance, uniqueness, and “nothing but the best” by all who encounter it.