Stoli Bluberi Vodka 375ML
Made from the finest wheat and distilled into the highest quality alcohol, the process starts in Latvia, at the magnificent Latvijas Balzams distillery (built by order of the Tsar in 1900) where the spirit is then filtered through charcoal and quartz sand and blended with pure artesian well water, to create vodka of unsurpassed smoothness. Latvijas Balzams has been one of the main production facilities for Stoli® Vodka since 1948.STOLI® flavored vodka starts with the exceptional quality and original character of STOLI® Premium Vodka as its base. To this is added a little of the highest quality American beet sugar, refined to a level of purity to match the vodka. Unlike a great many other brands of flavored vodka, no STOLI® flavored vodkas contain artificial flavors. Our flavor experts work tirelessly to taste, test, refine and balance the ingredients, making minute adjustments to ensure perfect consistency between each different bottling of a flavor. The result is that every bottle consistently delivers the benchmark taste that bar tenders rely upon to make the world’s most original cocktails.