Green Spot Irish Whiskey
Green Spot was originally produced exclusively for the Mitchell family who, commenced trading in 1805 on 10 Grafton St. in the heart of Dublin city as purveyors of fine wines and confectionary. Four generations later, the company is still in the wine and spirits business, under the stewardship of Jonathan Mitchell and his son Robert.
The Mitchell family expanded into whiskey bonding in 1887, whereby they sent empty wine, sherry and port casks via horse and cart to the local Jameson Distillery, which were then filled and returned to the Mitchell’s cellar warehouse. There, the whiskeys matured for many years under bond until they were ready to be bottled and sold.
Under the hustle and bustle of cobbled Dublin streets in the early 1900s, a rare whiskey was quietly making a name for itself. The simple act of marking barrels with spots of coloured paint would not only signify their age potential, but would become the namesake for this coveted whiskey, bonded and bottled by The Mitchells – a seventh generation family business.
Nose:Hints of peppermint, malt, sweet barley, sugary porridge, creamy vanilla, papaya and citrus.
Palate:Spicy and soft, gentle bourbon oak, green woods, menthol, potpourri.
Finish:Creamy, long finish, vanilla.