Bareksten Navy Strength Gin 700ml
Bareksten’s award winning gin in a Navy Strength version. The higher ABV really shows the backbone of this gin. It opens up a variety of new notes and flavors with a creamy viscosity that lingers for a long time. The London Spirits Competition awarded the Bareksten Navy Strength Gin a whooping 98 points, making it not just the GIN OF THE YEAR but also the SPIRIT OF THE YEAR 2022. Also, claimed BEST SPIRIT OF THE YEAR BY PACKAGING, and BEST SPIRIT OF THE YEAR BY QUALITY, making it a stunning 5 medal holder! ORIGIN STORY of “Navy Strength” – The term originated in the 18th Century by the British Navy. At the time gin was stored close to the gunpowder and before long certain Officers sussed that if gunpowder was wet with gin, it would still burn at 57% ABV (114 proof) or above. They would mix gunpowder with gin, heat it using the sun and a magnifying glass and if caught fire it was 57% or higher. This was the only reliable method and just worked to prove gin was over this strength so 57% became the standard strength for Navy.