Bandit Sauvignon Blanc 1L
BBandit Sauvignon Blanc White Wine delivers vibrant citrus aromas that comes in an eco-friendly recyclable boxed wine. Full bodied, this white wine has tart green apple flavors, complemented by mouthwatering notes of fresh green herbs and a crisp, lingering finish. Bandit Wines is a 1% for the Planet member and donates 1% of sales back to environmental nonprofits. This boxed white wine pairs well with camping meals like Pacific Northwest Salmon, spicy Pad Thai or a red bean chili and a campfire. To enhance the freshness of the Sauvignon Blanc it was fermented in stainless steel tanks. Bandit California wine comes in a lightweight box wine container with a twist-to-open cap, so there’s no need to worry about a corkscrew. The container reseals easily to keep the remaining wine fresh so you can enjoy it again later. Each Tetra Pak© contains approximately six glasses of Chardonnay white wine. This dry wine has 13.4% alcohol by volume.