Bandit Dry Rose 1L
Bandit Dry Rose Wine is a blush wine that comes in an eco-friendly recyclable wine box. With a lovely pale pink hue, this Syrah-based blend has delicate aromas of white peach and apricot that set the stage for a flavorful palate of strawberries and tart cranberries. This refreshing medium-bodied dry wine has crisp acidity. Pair this Rose wine with a light summer salad or grilled seafood. Syrah and Merlot grapes from California are cold-fermented in stainless steel tanks to preserve the bright acidity and fresh, fruit character. Bandit California wine comes in a lightweight container with a twist-to-open cap, so there’s no need to worry about a corkscrew. It’s an adventure-ready wine that stays fresh and uses natural resources responsibly. The boxed wine container reseals easily to keep the remaining wine fresh, so you can enjoy it again later. Each 1 liter Tetra Pak of wine contains approximately six glasses of Rose wine. This blush wine has 13.6% alcohol by volume. Bandit Wines was created by rogue winemakers, Charles Bieler & Joel Gott, who forged a partnership in 2003 to bring their passion for great wine and their thirst for exploration together in a convenient, easy-to-tote package. A proud supporter of U.S. National Parks, Bandit features custom-illustrated images of America’s iconic National Parks on each of its varietals. Go Explore! Bandit Wines is a 1% for the Planet member and donates 1% of sales back to environmental nonprofits.