Almanac Wakatu Sour 375ml
Wakatu is a New Zealand-born hop prized for its floral and citrusy aromatics. This relative of classic Hallertau hops is light on bitterness and often used in clean, German-style lagers.
This hop finds a perfect mate in our sour blonde base beer, combining with the tropical fruit and funk to create a tart ale with hints of lemon, pineapple, and tangerine, a dry white wine-like finish, and the subtle taste of key lime pie.
Hoppy Sour Series
Our Farm to Barrel beers focus on the eons-old tradition of aging beers in oak casks. Each “Hoppy Sour” starts as an American blonde ale fermented with our house sour culture. After primary fermentation, the beer is racked into used wine barrels and given months to mature, allowing the beer to take on the complex flavors of the barrel and develop a refreshing, lip smacking tartness. Right before bottling, we generously dry-hop the beer with a single varietal of some of our favorite hops to create a delicious contradiction of flavor and style.