Joel Gott Sauvignon Blanc 375ML
Joel Gott Sauvignon Blanc White Wine is made with a blend of fruit from varied growing regions across California, creating a balanced, food-friendly wine. To preserve the wine’s fruit and natural acidity, it undergoes a long, cool fermentation in stainless steel tanks. This dry white wine showcases aromas of pineapple, mango and peach with citrus notes. On the palate, the wine opens with ripe, tropical fruit flavors followed by crisp, refreshing acidity on the mid-palate and a long, clean, balanced finish. The 2021 vintage Joel Gott Sauvignon Blanc was awarded 91 points from Wine Spectator in July 2022. An ideal pairing with seafood and shellfish, Sauvignon Blanc is great with ahi tuna burgers and fish tacos. Joel Gott Wines selects the best fruit from a variety of growing regions and blends them to create more balanced, clean, complex and elegant wines that are fun and affordable. Together, the small, dynamic team at Joel Gott Wines shares the same love and dedication for wine making. Since 1996, Joel Gott Wines have all the things that matter: structure, sweet fruit, tannins, mouthfeel, color, and they have a great time making it. This wine has 13.9% alcohol by volume.