Jack Daniel’s Single Barrel, Barrel Proof Tennessee Whiskey 375ML
Jack Daniel’s Single Barrel Barrel Proof Tennessee Whiskey is bottled straight from the barrel at its full proof. With a smooth character and flavor, this whiskey can range anywhere from 125-140 proof. It features notes of sweet brown sugar, toasted oak and hints of dark spice. This American whiskey is selected by the Jack Daniel’s Master Distiller to best reflect the flavor which is impacted by handmade, toasted and charred, American oak barrels. These barrels are never mingled but bottled individually in very limited quantities, taking Jack’s trademark vanilla and toasted oak flavors to bold new levels. This edition of Jack Daniel’s Whiskey alcohol can be enjoyed neat, with a few ice cubes, or in your favorite mixed drinks like a Boulevardier. Live Freely. Drink Responsibly.